Elite Tactics is a fully automated and safe EA that analyzes the market’s essential levels and trades with pending orders for the quickest execution. All orders implement advanced filtering functions together with spread and slippage protections to place a stop-loss.
Elite Tactics does NOT use any of the risky strategies like Martingale, Grid, or Arbitrage. Elite Tactics is thoroughly customizable by the user. This EA Also has verified real accounts on both MT4 and MT5 platforms.


Main Settings
- Magic – Magic number (MUST be unique for each chart!)
- CommentOrders – Optional – Custom comment for orders
Strategy Settings
- BasicLevelsStrength – Main parameter to determine the levels strength
- LevelsStrengthIncrement – Additional levels strength increment
- LevelsStrengthCount – Number of additional levels strengths to be analyzed
- MaxLevelsPerStrength – Number of max found levels per strength
- PointsBuyShift – Bias in points for the pending price order BUY
- PointsSellShift – Bias in points for the pending price order SELL
- EnableBuyOrder – Enable/disable BUY orders
- EnableSellOrder – Enable/disable SELL orders
- UseOpenClose – Switch algorithm level detection between High-Low / Open-Close
Risk Settings
- StopLoss – Stop loss in points
- TakeProfit – Take profit in points
- FixedLotSize – Fixed size of the Lot to trade (UseAutoLot has to be disabled)
- UseAutomaticLot – Enable/disable automatic lot size calculation based on account balance and StopLoss level
- RiskInPercentOfBalance – Risk in percent of account balance
Break-even Settings
- UseBreakEven – Enable/disable break-even
- BreakEven1 – Break Even 1st level in points
- BreakEven2 – Break Even 2nd level in points
- PointLock
Trailing Stop Settings
- UseTrailingStop – Enable/Disable trailing stop
- TrailingStop – Trailing Distance in Points
- TrailingStep – Trailing Step in Points
Safety Settings
- UseSlippageProtection – Enable/disable slippage protection
- MaxSlippage – Max allowed slippage in points
- UseSpreadProtection – Enable/disable spread protection
- MaxSpread – Max allowed spread (average per last few ticks)
Time Management Settings
- GMT – Set your broker GMT offset (2 – default for most brokers)
- AvoidTradingHours – Comma separated hours during which EA is not placing any orders
- OpenMonCloseFri – Enable/disable closing orders on Friday and reopening on Monday
- CloseHour – Hour of closing orders on Friday
- CloseMinute -Minute of closing orders on Friday
- OpenHour – Hour of opening orders on Monday
- OpenMinute -Minute of opening orders on Monday
Tips To Optimize The EA
This EA is fully customizable by the user so you can optimize your settings. Here is a short recommendation for your optimizations.
- If you don’t want to use automatic Lot size calculation (as by default is fixed lot size), modify the FixedLotSize parameter based on your risk and account possibilities.
- If you are using low leverage accounts, make sure you have sufficient margin to open positions. (This EA should warn you if you don’t but instead always verify by yourself).
- If you want to use Automatic Lot size calculation, then select “UseAutomaticLot = true” and modify “RiskInPercentOfBalance” (RiskInPercentOfBalance means how much of your account balance are you willing to lose if there will be losing trade). The lot size is calculated based on the account balance and stop-loss level.
Main parameters to focus during optimization:
- StopLoss (recommended range from 50 to 500) – Stop Loss in points
- BasicLevelsStrength (recommended range from 15 to 30) – Main parameter to determine the levels strength
- LevelsStrengthIncrement (recommended range from 15 to 50) – Additional levels strength increment
- LevelsStrengthCount (recommended range from 1 to 5) – Adjust number of additional levels strengths to be analyzed
- MaxLevelsPerStrength (recommended range from 1 to 5) – Adjust number of max found levels per strength
- PointsBuyShift (recommended range from 0 to 40) – Bias in points for the pending price order BUY
- PointsSellShift (recommended range from 0 to 40) – Bias in points for the pending price order SELL
- BreakEven1 (recommended range from 15 to 40) – BreakEven 1st level in points
- BreakEven2 (recommended range from 5 to 30) – BreakEven 2nd level in points
- PointsLock (recommended range from 5 to 10) – Points lock in profit after breakeven (but it is also combined with the 2nd level of breakeven if activated)
- TrailingStop (recommended range from 5 to 15) – Trailing Distance in Points
- TrailingStep (recommended range from 1 to 10) – Trailing Step in Points
- Adapt your own risk settings according to the account equity and always verify with back-test
- VPS server with small latency
- A minimum deposit of 100 USD for micro-lot account
- default settings optimized for EURUSD H1 timeframe
- TrueECN broker with low spread (Find the Perfect Broker For You Here)
This EA Was Shared on Our Forum
no trades open in backtest
it works on backtest, we checked it
How can we set strategy tester, Sir?
Auto lot size on STester dont work ,can somebody help with that
the developer on mql5 saying this version is fake. Can you confirm if it’s true or not that you can unlock an EA from the mql5 market?
this is the one in the mql5
Do you realy expect the developer of the EA to support a free version of his EA?
hahahahhahaha REALY
Honestly? WOW – one of a few EAs that really works. Set files provided by origin programmer on their website. Thanks!
In backtests show good results even in all timeframe at 4 pairs I checked… in real account have no idea yet but in demo is working.
UPDATE from 11 August : Not that good finally . Better than others, but failed in more tests I did
What test it failed?
And why it is not good enough?
Would love some stuff from PZ trading @Admin
hi, can you update this EA so can be use for mt4 build 1420?