Without volatility, trading the financial market is near impossible. Profit is made ONLY when the price is moving.

The ERXGen (Early Riser Next Generation) Breakout System is a short-term trading technique built around the phenomenon that there are certain times of the trading day when price volatility has the tendency to be high.

Following the release of extremely popular indicator – ERXGen Filter, being employed by many traders this is an automatic trading system giving traders even more benefits for his or her trading.

ERXGen BreakOut MultiCurrency Trader

Price action during the Tokyo trading session is used to work out trade entry levels. Buy and/or Sell trades are taken mostly during the London trading session.


The three key rules are:

  • Intra-week trend
  • Tight Tokyo Range (gap between high and low price during Tokyo session must be low, ranging and not trending)
  • Location of the Tokyo Range (price action during Tokyo session must happen either at the top or bottom of the previous day’s range)

This Multi-Currency Automated Trader comes with huge benefits

  • Multi-Currency Pairs for EUR and GBP
  • Well-written algorithms, precise and fast
  • More like a trade assistant than a robot
  • Allows for user intervention
  • Manages risk – lot sizes, trade sizes
  • Manages trades – trade size, trade targets, trade stop loss, stop loss management (move to breakeven, trailing, partial closes, etc)
  • Additional control parameter e.g. stop loss based on EMA, trade recovery techniques, etc
  • Visual display

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