Pegasus Pro is a fully automatic EA works based on the strategies called HFT (high-frequency trading) algorithm. So, yes, this EA is very sensitive for latency and spread. Pegasus Pro is capable of scalping every different situation that most traders are dreaming of catching. Let’s just say this EA designed for the new generation of the market.
Pegasus Pro is a new expert with a new integrated indicator which, EA developers had designed for last year and been testing it for two years now. And it’s designed for their VIP INVESTORS. Developers currently don’t sell it.
EA Always use a stop-loss of 1.3pips and doesn’t use a grid or martingale. If you have required very low latency and spread, it will have a low drawdown.
- Work Best On EURNZD, NZDUSD, EURUSD, GBPUSD, GBPJPY, EURJPY, USDJPY but default settings are mainly optimized for USDCAD. check preset files for others (works with any currency pair)
- Time Frame Doesn’t matter
- Very low latency highly recommended (5 – 15ms) We recommend VPS
- Very Low Spread ECN account is also highly recommended
Find the Perfect Broker For This EA HERE
Input Parameters

- Main Settings
- MAX slippage
- MAX spread
- volume
- Stoploss
- Take profit
- Start trade time
- End trade time
- Distance
- Sleep modify
- Enable trailing
- Trailing Start
- Trailing stop
- Trailing step
- NEWS overpoint
- End trading news second
- Magic number
FUCK :)))))
i put in my MT4 didn’t open any trade, did open any trade for you?
No, My comment was for my friend who cracked this expert
expert dont open any position, its bullshit
yes it does it worked for me check your spread or settings
Which broker did you use ??
What settings and TF
keeps working?
No Bro
My comment was for my friend who cracked this expert
expert dont open any position, its bullshit
did you try running it on low latency low spread environment.
does not work
So the VPN speed is quite good the one i have and as far as low spreads, i think its a good one – ECN. Had mine running for over a day with no trades taken.
Suggestions on which broker would work well with them?
What VPS did you use?
Its working fine i am testing it on live account. So far 200 live orders are opened.
what settings ? it is not opening positions/orders… what spread did you set in input ?
Stoploss não aciona ?
Ea funciona magnífico, porém a função do stoploss não está acionando, oque gera grandes prejuízos, teria como concertar?
It is very bad ea
I don’t know how some people use the word scam. what is scam about this? u are giving something for free and just because it doesn’t work for u, u are calling it scam. why not spend $5000 for it? you are not appreciative at all
What settings and TF
sajjax fuck you, this is free
admin can u crack PHANTOM SCALPER EA
one the best scalper tested withe FPA
Does anyone know how to get auto money management, lot size, to work on this ea??
risk:100(or whatever you want)
and I should say it worth to try it on a demo account for one month.
then you can see the results.and it would be great to share your experience with others.
thnx admin for all u have done for us for free
It doesn’t open positions in me. Any idea why ? what settings should we adjust ? thank you
try it on GBPUSD.TF doesnt matter.and the seettings as default
i use Forextime broker
not opening trades, on live ecn raw 0.7ms vps. wondering if i am missing something, some dll? orders just appear as cancelled all the time. not useful
it doesn’t seem to open many trades on mondays…. check spread filter also
what spread filter we should set to start trading?
Yup the spread filter is about 10 points, and my raw acc has almost always less than 3 soo. Maybe it’s a mm problem?
Spread filter 10 points, and the raw acc has less than 3 almost always. Maybe it’s a mm setting that must be changed?
In tester the demo of the original version gives different results that this version for the same period, same timeframe, same symbol !!! Is this a scam ?????
ofcourse this is a copy. THE SITE NAME IS FOREXCRACKED-> means Reverse engeneered forex. Use on your risk, Isn’t funny if it compromises your account
I check it again in another pair… Different results between original demo and this one !! Admin, what is happening ?
Moreover this is not working in demo account..only in tester.. I m suspecting it is 99% another scam … unfortunately!
why is it scam when you got it for free dip shit?
It’s not working, I loaded on my VPN server since monday, not a single trade placed.
Be aware of slippage if you run this ea
Killed by slippage
That’s why i recommended very low latency
Hi Silent, any recommendation of VPS with very low latency?
Check the recommendation part of the post
dear administrator, do you by chance to know whats the minimum deposit required to try this EA in real account ? thanks.
This EA reads the next candle in backtests and use that to give you good results in backtest, absolute fraud .
Run on any pairs you will get 96-98% win rate.
Please Admin filter these type of EA’s…
See myfxbook forward test results it’s not a fraud it’s a high frequency so you need very low latency ,, very low latency broker recomended
Please share your myfxbook
Got ECN broker, spreads 0.3-0.5 on e/u .. but the EA does nothing.
Any idea what could be the issue?
decrease your trade volume
Please give us best Timeframe for this EA, admin. Thank you.
Admin, please add newest version of this EA. This is older version Pegasus V1.00 and there is no auto lots. Thank you.
used on ecn low spreads used with vps with 1ms, this ea on live account lost me 20 bucks over night kept opening trades and closing them. this is suppose to snipe profits all i got was loss.
you lost because stoploss is not working.Inside is code error with stoploss.
hello dear admin
admin can you crack Border Master EA?
i think this is really good ea, please crack it if you can,!tab=reviews
thanks a lot
Nothing special on this Border Master EA, similar to other breakout box trading only it automatically setup TP and SL based on Box trading.
please get forex thunderbolt trading system
please how do i intall this on icmarket broker
am really confused
it works good but it does not respect the stop lose sometimes it went to -100 pips
it was better if it close it at my limit stope
Yes I agree, it says it uses 1.3pips stoploss but why it doesn’t have sl on it im am already -50 pips
same here,sl not working,it’s error in code.
Hello Everybody,
Can someone please explain precisely how to use this EA?
I’m Currently Trying to test it on a $1000 demo account, which is on the server ICMarkets-Demo02, installed on FXVM VPS, with a ping latency of 10-12 ms.
I tried EURUSD and USDCAD, with NewsFilter Set and NoFilter Set.
But it’s not opening any trades at all.
Can someone please guide me exactly what do I need to do, to make it to start working?
Please guys, I will be really grateful..
Hello. Actually, I didn’t get good results yet. I think we have to play with Max Slippage, Max Spread parameters, SleepModify parameters. I’m also using IC Markets for testing. Pegasus opened some orders specially with XAUUSD. The comments are blank for this EA.
the best strategy,i tested,but be careful stoploss don’t work.You will loose all money,because its error in code with stoploss.Otherwise strategy is the best.It needs to be fixed stoploss.
Do you have a strategy to avoid losses? It seems to me that it is a good ea but when the market turns around it can make you lose everything
yes i agree because its stoploss don’t work properly.
any update about it ?
admin , its very profitable but the stoploss is not working , if you can fix it
Hello thanks very much for all free ea! I have a question about this ea..I see that it open buy and sell stop but it was deleted immediately…?? Why?
Sorry now it open position but I confirm it do not have stop loss!! Itpossible issue this problem please?
Alessandro go grow potatoes because Italians have never been traders !!!
all these smart people
they have not even managed to cpaire that the version posted here
it was badly cracked full of bugs and worms
all mm does not work trailing stop ,, stop loss do not work ,,nothingggggg
make a difference by downloading the original from the mql5 site and you will see very different results
come on guys this site only puts rotten stuff
Ok it doesn’t Open any trades what is wrong Please some one help
Hi admin which broker and vps are you using to run this robot?
Hi admin, can you please check if you can crack this EA? – It’s the improved version of Pegasus Pro.
Please admin crack the news version of this EA
All negative comments on here are just to prevent you from using this ea
hey admin hows is going brother have you fix the S\L on this robot thanks mate
sl seems to work, i think it’s a well done ea
risk 10% for 20 days running ist ok
EURUSD with 40% risk made -800,–
so be careful
whats ur volume / risk settings ?
Please select your VPS low latency and the broker…
If you have FXTM account, or etc, please use LD4 vps….
And your EA is running…..
Did the EA work for you on LD4 vps, bro?
Hey can you grab this one? :DDDD
funcionando perfeitamente aqui senhores
bro with the ea there is some files some of them writted eurusd with news filter and some have no news filter
what is the advantege of that news filter files?
pls pls pls!!!! be carefull!!!
It only uses trailing SL which is only activated when in profit. It is very dangerous!
i did backtest, although the backtest results show it to be profitable, but the metrics and strategy are lousy , ignore it
I’ve been using the EA for about a month, seems quite safe and has overall given me a decent profit. The only thing I’m not sure of is how to use the risk and volume settings. Can anyone explain? volume=0.1 => does this mean it trades 0.1 lots? Seems like it. risk=4 => 4% risk level? If I want to use risk, should i set volume to 0?
Yes I think you’re right when I use 10% as risk it works on volume and set a SL at 10% DD but I set volume at 0. It trade 0.04 with 1000usd on balance I put it on live account last week and work fine
Which broker did you use? And what currency did you use?
Icmarkets xauusd,gbpjpy,gbpusd
I’ve been using 2 brokers: fp markets and roboforex. There are some minor differences, but overall not big. Other people’s comments are right, there’s no initial stop loss, only a trailing stop loss on profitable trades.
Why doesn’t he put stop losses on orders?
Teste ihn auch gerade im Demo Konto, den ersten Trade hat er schon mal gemacht im EUR/USD. Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht.
Vielen Dank, egal wie es ausgeht für den EA
This ea stoploss function is not working. But I use an external SL-TP EA to add stoploss onto my trade. everything working pretty good. You can download the auto sl-tp ea for free, search it on google.
Yes the ea has sl error sometimes, but then how do you add it SL-TP ea on this ea?
Should we run all these recommended pairs together in the same mt4 account?
Is it the latest version? No stop loss problems? Experts please help!