The TopGun EA handles multiple market trends simultaneously, allowing it to open and manage both long (buy) and short (sell) positions. The EA is engineered to capture profits across short, medium, and long trends, with a flexible Take Profit system tailored to various market conditions.

Key Features of TopGunFX

  • Grid System Based on Market Volatility – Unlike traditional grid systems that open trades at fixed price intervals, TopGunFX utilizes a grid strategy that adapts to market volatility. This system is built around a proprietary indicator, enabling it to capture profits whether the market is trending or ranging. This approach enhances the EA’s adaptability to changing market conditions, offering greater flexibility in trade management. It’s also worth noting that a grid system can cause a significant drawdown on your account.
  • Drawdown Management – TopGun includes a drawdown management system that dynamically adjusts the trading strategy when a certain drawdown level, termed Level X%, is reached. At this point, the EA shifts its reference timeframe from the M30 to an alternative timeframe to better align with current market conditions and mitigate risk. This ensures that the system remains responsive during periods of heightened volatility or adverse price movements.
  • Suspended New Trades at Level Y% – When drawdown reaches a critical threshold, referred to as Level Y%, TopGun halts the opening of new trades. At this stage, the EA concentrates solely on managing existing trades, aiming to reduce risk and stabilize the trading portfolio. This safeguard limits further exposure to potential losses and allows for more effective recovery strategies.

Please test in a demo account for at least a week first. Then, please familiarize yourself with TopGun Robot and understand how it works. You can only use it on a real account.

Recommendations for TopGun EA

  • Minimum Account Balance of $1000 or equivalent cent account.
  • Work Only on EURUSD. (Work on any pair)
  • It works best on the M30 time frame. (Work on any time frame)
  • The TopGun EA should work on VPS continuously to achieve stable results. So we recommend running this MT4 EA Download on a reliable VPS (Reliable and Trusted FOREX VPS – MyfxVPS)
  • The EA is NOT sensitive to spread and slippage. But We advise using a good ECN broker (Find the Perfect Broker For You Here)

Latency: 0.46 ms

2 Weeks Free Trial

100% Free for 24 Months

Licensed Window Server 2022

Low Spreads
Leverage up to 1:500*

No Commission

Free TradingView Premium*

Recommended for European Users

Min Deposit of 50$
Allow USA Traders
Levergae up to 1:2000

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TopGun EA distinctive blend of multi-trend management, market-sensitive grid trading, and adaptive drawdown controls makes it a flexible and risk-conscious tool for traders targeting the EURUSD pair. Its ability to adjust based on market conditions while maintaining various profit objectives ensures a balanced approach to both trending and ranging markets.